My shell script template


This memo explain about my shell script template. It includes several functions as below:

  1. Script setting
  2. Basic variables.
  3. Logging facility.
  4. Message function.
  5. Temporally file directory.
    • and clean up facility before script exit.
  6. Error detection function.

This script is based on bash and uses GNU core utils, But many of facilities is not bash specific and core utils. These details are described as below.

Comments are welcome on github gist.

1. Script setting

To make run script safely, set 2 useful options in the head of script.

set -Cu

These options are described in bash manual as below:

     Prevent output redirection using '>', '>&', and '<>' from
     overwriting existing files.
     Treat unset variables and parameters other than the special
     parameters '@' or '*' as an error when performing parameter
     expansion.  An error message will be written to the standard
     error, and a non-interactive shell will exit.

set -e is also useful, you should read about it in the part of manual. But many of script uses failure exit status. So I don’t include it in this template.

2. Basic variables.

3 variables defined in the head of template.

based=$$(dirname $$0)/..
pname=$$(basename $$0)
stime=$$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z)

“based” is the script base directory. It is useful for a starting point for library, log or other related directory.

“pname” is the file name of this script and the “stime” is the process starting time of this script. The file name is useful for messaging. The starting time also useful for message and some profile purpose.

There are several example of usage for these variables in the below of this script.

3. Basic logging facility.

These 3 lines are for loggin of script running.

exec 3>&2 2>$$logd/$$pname.$$stime.$$$$.log
set -vx

The “logd” variable is a directory to put the log file of this script. “logd” variable uses “based” variable. Therefore, if you place this script into “~/.local/bin”, “logd” variable points “~/.local/log”. The log file name consists of 3 parts, script-name, process-start-time and process-id, to make uniq and easy to refer this log file.

And the “exec” command change redirect of this scripte. Afer calling this, file discripter 3 points standard error output. and 2 points log file.

The reason of pointing the descripter 2 to log file is the “set -vx” behavior. It’s function is described in bash manual:

     Print shell input lines as they are read.
     Print a trace of simple commands, 'for' commands, 'case'
     commands, 'select' commands, and arithmetic 'for' commands and
     their arguments or associated word lists after they are
     expanded and before they are executed.  The value of the 'PS4'
     variable is expanded and the resultant value is printed before
     the command and its expanded arguments.

It is why the “set -vx” line is placed on here to avoid log output before setting redirect for logging.

The log files should be erased by cron or something. If you don’t require log facility, comment out these codes and comment is below:

# exec 3>&2

4. Message function.

There is simple Message function.

MSG() {
    echo "$$pname $$stime $$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S%Z) $$@"	>&3

The message redirects descripter 3 to puts out the screen instead of log file. The message is like below: 20180621114300DST 20180621114300DST INFO This is a message.

5. Temporally file directory.

This template serve a temporally file directory.

tmpd=$$(mktemp -d --suffix=".$$pname.$$stime.$$$$")/
if [ 0 -ne "$$?" ] ; then
    MSG FATAL can not make temporally directory.
    exit 1

The variable “tmpd” hold the temporally file directory name. Fallowing “if” block handle error while making temporally file directory.

This template also delete temporally file directory before exit.

    rm -rf $$tmpd

The “BEFORE_EXIT()” execute before exit. You can add more work.

6. Error detection function.

This template serve an error detection function.

    echo $${PIPESTATUS[@]}	|
	tr ' \t' '\n'	|
	grep -qv '^0$$'

The variable “PIPESTATUS” is bash specific. It contains all exit status of pipe lined commands previous executed. This function processes the exit statuses and finds no zero exit code.

The basic usage of this function as below:

IS_ERROR && MSG ERROR while doing something. && exit 1

If you want to avoid the error catch of this script, You should use grouping or subshell as below:

  | true
  | {
      # if you want to ignore the error status of next command,
	  # group the command and true command.